You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

375 lines
12 KiB

<view class="">
<uni-nav-bar class='nav' :fixed="true" :statusBar="true" :border="false" height="44">
<block slot="default">
<view class="nav-left">
<view class="nav-left-text">
<view class="" v-show="!showPsd">
<template v-if="type==='form' || type==='list' || type === 'detali'">
<view class="" v-if="type==='form' || type === 'detali'">
<view class="jnpf-wrap jnpf-wrap-form" v-if="!loading && (type==='form' || type === 'detali')">
<jnpf-parser :formConf="formConf" ref="dynamicForm" @submit="sumbitForm" :key="newDate" />
<view class="buttom-actions" v-if="type==='form'">
<u-button class="buttom-btn" @click.stop="resetForm">重置</u-button>
<u-button class="buttom-btn" type="primary" @click.stop="submit" :loading="btnLoading">
<view class="buttom-actions" v-if="type==='detali'">
<u-button class="buttom-btn" @click.stop="resetForm">取消</u-button>
<view v-if="type==='list' && flg">
<List :config="config" ref="List" :modelId="modelId" :columnText="columnText"
:columnCondition="columnCondition" :encryption='encryption' />
<view class="" v-show="!showPsd"></view>
<u-modal v-model="showPsd" :title-style="titleStyle" title="密码" @confirm="confirm" v-if="showPsd">
<view class="slot-content u-p-l-32 u-p-r-22 u-p-t-20 u-p-b-20">
<u-input type="password" placeholder="请输入密码" :border="true" v-model="password"></u-input>
import {
} from '@/api/apply/webDesign'
import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js'
import md5Libs from "uview-ui/libs/function/md5";
import List from './list.vue'
const getFormDataFields = item => {
if (!item.__config__ || !item.__config__.jnpfKey) return true
const jnpfKey = item.__config__.jnpfKey
const list = ["input", "textarea", "inputNumber", "switch", "datePicker", "timePicker", "colorPicker", "rate",
"slider", "editor", "link", "text", "alert", 'table', "collapse", 'collapseItem', 'tabItem',
"tab", "row", "card", "groupTitle", "divider"
const fieldsSelectList = ["radio", "checkbox", "select", "cascader", "treeSelect"]
if (list.includes(jnpfKey) || (fieldsSelectList.includes(jnpfKey) && item.__config__.dataType ===
'static')) return true
return false
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
columnCondition: [],
columnText: [],
flg: false,
password: '',
titleStyle: {
paddingTop: '24rpx'
showPsd: false,
customStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#fff'
dataForm: {
data: ''
formConf: {},
newDate: +new Date(),
btnLoading: false,
loading: true,
modelId: '',
config: {},
type: 'form',
listConfig: {},
shortLinkData: {},
formData: {},
encryption: ''
computed: {
token() {
return this.$store.getters.token
onLoad(e) {
this.formData = e.formData ? JSON.parse(e.formData) : {};
let decrypt = JSON.parse(this.Decrypt(e.encryption))
this.encryption = e.encryption
this.modelId = decrypt.modelId
this.type = decrypt.type
methods: {
Decrypt(data) {
//AES key要求16位mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB/DES key要求8位mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB,
var key = "jnpflinkjnpflink";
let b = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(data);
const srcs = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(b)
let decryptedData = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(srcs, CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(key), {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7
return decryptedData
// 递归过滤
recursivefilter(arr, value) {
let newColumn = arr.filter(item => getFormDataFields(item))
newColumn.forEach(x =>
x.__config__ && x.__config__.children && Array.isArray(x.__config__.children) && (x
.__config__.children = this.recursivefilter(x.__config__.children))
return newColumn
getConfig() {
getConfig(this.modelId, this.encryption).then(res => {
this.config = || {}
let formConf = JSON.parse(this.config.formData)
let fields = this.recursivefilter(formConf.fields)
this.formConf.fields = fields
this.fillFormData(fields, this.formData)
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.flg = true
this.newDate = +new Date()
this.loading = false
beforeInit(fields) {
const loop = (list) => {
for (var index = 0; index < list.length; index++) {
const config = list[index].__config__
if (config.children && config.children.length) loop(config.children)
if (config.jnpfKey == 'tableGrid') {
let newList = []
for (var i = 0; i < config.children.length; i++) {
let element = config.children[i]
for (var j = 0; j < element.__config__.children.length; j++) {
let item = element.__config__.children[j]
list.splice(index, 1, ...newList)
getShortLink() {
getShortLink(this.modelId, this.encryption).then(res => {
this.shortLinkData = || {}
this.columnCondition = JSON.parse(this.shortLinkData.columnCondition)
this.columnText = JSON.parse(this.shortLinkData.columnText)
if (this.type == 'list' && this.shortLinkData.columnPassUse == 1) this.showPsd = true
if (this.type == 'form' && this.shortLinkData.formPassUse == 1) this.showPsd = true
this.newDate = +new Date()
confirm() {
let data = {
id: this.modelId,
password: md5Libs.md5(this.password),
type: this.type == 'form' ? 0 : 1,
encryption: this.encryption
checkPwd(data).then(res => {
this.showPsd = false
this.newDate = +new Date()
}).catch(err => {
this.showPsd = true
this.password = ''
this.newDate = +new Date()
fillFormData(form, data) {
const loop = list => {
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
let item = list[i]
if (item.__vModel__) {
let val = data.hasOwnProperty(item.__vModel__) ? data[item.__vModel__] : item.__config__
if (!item.__config__.custom && item.__config__.defaultCurrent) {
if (item.__config__.jnpfKey === 'timePicker') {
item.__config__.defaultValue = this.jnpf.toDate(new Date(), this.jnpf.handelFormat(
if (item.__config__.jnpfKey === 'datePicker') {
item.__config__.defaultValue = new Date().getTime()
if (item.__config__.jnpfKey === 'organizeSelect' && (this.userInfo
.organizeIdList instanceof Array && this.userInfo.organizeIdList.length > 0
)) {
item.__config__.defaultValue = item.multiple ? [this.userInfo.organizeIdList] :
if (item.__config__.jnpfKey === 'depSelect' && this.userInfo.departmentId) {
item.__config__.defaultValue = item.multiple ? [this.userInfo.departmentId] :
if (item.__config__.jnpfKey === 'posSelect' && (this.userInfo
.positionIds instanceof Array && this.userInfo.positionIds.length > 0)) {
item.__config__.defaultValue = item.multiple ?
o => : this.userInfo.positionIds[0].id
if (item.__config__.jnpfKey === 'roleSelect' && (this.userInfo
.roleIds instanceof Array && this.userInfo.roleIds.length > 0)) {
item.__config__.defaultValue = item.multiple ? this.userInfo.roleIds : this
if (item.__config__.jnpfKey === 'groupSelect' && (this.userInfo
.groupIds instanceof Array && this.userInfo.groupIds.length > 0)) {
item.__config__.defaultValue = item.multiple ? this.userInfo.groupIds : this
if (['userSelect'].includes(item.__config__.jnpfKey) && this.userInfo.userId) {
item.__config__.defaultValue = item.multiple ? [this.userInfo.userId] : this
if (item.__config__.jnpfKey === 'usersSelect' && this.userInfo.userId) {
item.__config__.defaultValue = item.multiple ? [this.userInfo.userId + '--user'] :
this.userInfo.userId + '--user';
if (this.origin === 'scan') {
this.$set(item, 'disabled', true)
let noShow = !item.__config__.noShow ? false : item.__config__.noShow
let isVisibility = false
if (!item.__config__.visibility || (Array.isArray(item.__config__.visibility) && item
.__config__.visibility.includes('app'))) isVisibility = true
this.$set(item.__config__, 'isVisibility', isVisibility)
this.$set(item.__config__, 'noShow', noShow)
} else {
let noShow = false,
isVisibility = false
if (!item.__config__.visibility || (Array.isArray(item.__config__.visibility) && item
.__config__.visibility.includes('app'))) isVisibility = true
this.$set(item.__config__, 'isVisibility', isVisibility)
this.$set(item.__config__, 'noShow', noShow)
if (item.__config__ && item.__config__.children && Array
.isArray(item.__config__.children)) {
sumbitForm(data, callback) {
if (!data) return
this.btnLoading = true = JSON.stringify(data)
if (callback && typeof callback === "function") callback()
createModel(this.modelId, this.dataForm, this.encryption).then(res => {
title: res.msg,
complete: () => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.btnLoading = false
}, 1500)
}).catch(() => {
this.btnLoading = false
submit() {
if (this.isPreview) {
title: '功能预览不支持数据保存',
icon: 'none'
this.$refs.dynamicForm && this.$refs.dynamicForm.submitForm()
resetForm() {
this.loading = true
this.newDate = +new Date()
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.loading = false
this.$refs.dynamicForm && this.$refs.dynamicForm.resetForm()
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