You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

298 lines
6.8 KiB

<view class="approve-v u-flex-col">
<u-tabs :list="approve_list" :current="approveIndex" @change="approveChange" height="90" :show-bar="false"
:active-item-style='activeItemStyle' font-size="28">
<view class="approve_list">
<view v-if="list.length">
<view class="u-flex approve_box" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index">
<view class="tit">{{item.fullName}}</view>
<view class="u-flex-col approve_box_right">
<view v-for="(child,i) in item.list" :key="i" class="approve_box_right_inner">
<view class="u-flex approve_item">
<u-avatar size='mini' :src="baseURL+child.headIcon"></u-avatar>
<view class="approve_box_right_list ">
<view class="u-flex-col user_name marginBottom">
<view class="name u-flex">{{child.userName}}
class="dateTime">{{'于 '+$u.timeFormat(child.handleTime,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM')}}</text>
<u-tag :text="child.txt" mode="light" :type="child.tagType" />
<text class="content_txt"
v-if="child.handleOpinion && child.handleStatus!=2">{{child.handleOpinion}}</text>
<view v-if="child.fileList.length && child.handleStatus!=2"
v-for='(item,index) in child.fileList' :key="index"
class="jnpf-file-item u-type-primary u-flex u-line-1" @tap='downLoad(item)'>
<view class="jnpf-file-item-txt u-line-1">{{}}</view>
<view class="noContent" v-else>
<img :src="nodataIcon" alt="" class="img">
<view class="">
import {
} from '@/api/workFlow/flowBefore'
import {
} from '@/api/common'
import resources from '@/libs/resources.js'
export default {
name: "RecordSummary",
props: {
processId: {
type: String,
default: ''
summaryType: {
default: "0"
data() {
return {
approve_list: [{
name: '按部门汇总',
id: '1'
}, {
name: '按岗位汇总',
id: '3'
list: [],
approveIndex: 0,
tabI: 1,
nodataIcon: resources.message.nodata,
activeItemStyle: {
'background-color': '#f0f2f6',
'border-radius': '18rpx 18rpx 0 0',
created() {
computed: {
baseURL() {
return this.define.baseURL
watch: {
approveIndex(val) {
methods: {
init() {
const query = {
category: this.tabI,
type: this.summaryType
getRecordList(this.processId, query).then(res => {
this.list = || []
if (this.list.length) {
this.list.forEach((o, i) => {
o.list.forEach(j => {
j.fileList = j.fileList ? JSON.parse(j.fileList) : []
o.list = => ({
txt: i.handleStatus == 0 ? '退回' : i.handleStatus == 1 ? '同意' :
i.handleStatus == 2 ? '发起' : i.handleStatus == 3 ? '撤回' : i
.handleStatus == 4 ? '终止' : i.handleStatus == 5 ? '指派' : i
.handleStatus == 6 ? '后加签' : i.handleStatus == 10 ? '前加签' :
i.handleStatus == 8 ? '变更' : '转审',
tagType: i.handleStatus == 0 ? 'error' : i.handleStatus == 1 ?
'success' : i.handleStatus == 3 || i.handleStatus == 4 || i
.handleStatus == 8 ?
'warning' : "primary",
}).catch(() => {})
approveChange(index) {
this.approveIndex = index;
this.tabI = this.approve_list[index].id
downLoad(item) {
// #ifdef MP
// #endif
// #ifndef MP
getDownloadUrl('annex', item.fileId).then(res => {
const fileUrl = this.baseURL +;
// #ifdef H5
window.location.href = fileUrl;
// #endif
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
// #endif
// #endif
downloadFile(url) {
url: this.baseURL + url,
success: res => {
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
const filePath = res.tempFilePath;
filePath: escape(filePath),
success: ress => {},
fail(err) {}
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margin-top: 20rpx;
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font-size: 26rpx;
.marginBottom {
.name {
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.dateTime {
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