You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1099 lines
42 KiB

<view class="jnpf-table">
<view class="jnpf-table-item" v-for="(item,i) in tableFormData" :key="i">
<view class="jnpf-table-item-title u-flex u-row-between u-p-r-20">
<view class="jnpf-table-item-title-num u-line-1 u-p-r-20 u-p-l-20" @click="clickIcon(config)">
<u-icon :name="config.__config__.tipLabel? 'question-circle-fill':''" class="u-m-l-10"
<view class="jnpf-table-item-title-action" v-if="config.showDeleteBtn && !disabled" @click="delItem(i)">
<view class="u-p-l-20 u-p-r-20 form-item-box" v-for="(childItem,cIndex) in item" :key="cIndex"
v-if="!childItem.__config__.noShow && childItem.__config__.isVisibility&& childItem.__config__.jnpfKey!=='colorPicker'">
<u-form-item :label="childItem.__config__.showLabel ? childItem.__config__.label : '' "
:left-icon='childItem.__config__.showLabel && childItem.__config__.tipLabel && childItem.__config__.label? "question-circle-fill":""'
@clickIcon="clickIcon(childItem)" :left-icon-style="{'color':'#a8aaaf'}"
:label-width="childItem.__config__.labelWidth ? childItem.__config__.labelWidth * 1.5 : 100*1.5">
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='input'">
<u-input input-align='right' v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:maxlength="childItem.maxlength?childItem.maxlength:140" :clearable='childItem.clearable'
:disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled" @input="onChange($event,childItem,i)">
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='calculate'">
<jnpf-calculation :expression='childItem.expression' :vModel='childItem.__vModel__'
:config='childItem.__config__' :formData='formData' v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:rowIndex="i" :precision="childItem.precision" :isAmountChinese="childItem.isAmountChinese"
:thousands="childItem.thousands" />
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='textarea'">
<u-input input-align='right' v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" type="textarea"
:disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled" @input="onChange($event,childItem,i)" />
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='inputNumber'">
<jnpf-number-box v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :step='childItem.step'
:max='childItem.max' :min='childItem.min' :disabled="childItem.disabled"
@change="change(arguments,childItem,i)" :isAmountChinese="childItem.isAmountChinese"
:thousands="childItem.thousands" :addonAfter="childItem.addonAfter"
:addonBefore="childItem.addonBefore" :controls="childItem.controls"
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='switch'">
<jnpf-switch v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled"
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='radio'">
<jnpf-radio v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :options="childItem.options"
:props="childItem.props" @change=" itemChange('radio')" :disabled="childItem.disabled"
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='checkbox'">
<jnpf-checkbox v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :options="childItem.options"
:props="childItem.props" :disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled"
@change="change(arguments,childItem,i)" :direction='childItem.direction'>
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='select'">
<jnpf-select v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :placeholder="childItem.placeholder"
:options="childItem.options" :props="childItem.props" :multiple="childItem.multiple"
:disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)">
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='cascader'">
<jnpf-cascader v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :placeholder="childItem.placeholder"
:options="childItem.options" :props="childItem.props" :multiple="childItem.multiple"
:disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)">
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='groupSelect'">
<jnpf-group-select :vModel='childItem.__vModel__' v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:multiple="childItem.multiple" :disabled="childItem.disabled"
:selectType="childItem.selectType" :ableIds="childItem.ableIds"
:placeholder="childItem.placeholder" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)" />
<!-- 下拉补全 -->
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='autoComplete'">
<jnpf-auto-complete :disabled="childItem.disabled" :interfaceName="childItem.interfaceName"
:placeholder="childItem.placeholder" :interfaceId="childItem.interfaceId"
:total="" v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:templateJson="childItem.templateJson" :formData='formData'
:relationField="childItem.relationField" :clearable='childItem.clearable'
:propsValue="childItem.propsValue" :rowIndex="i"></jnpf-auto-complete>
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='roleSelect'">
<jnpf-role-select :vModel='childItem.__vModel__' v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:multiple="childItem.multiple" :disabled="childItem.disabled"
:selectType="childItem.selectType" :ableIds="childItem.ableIds"
:placeholder="childItem.placeholder" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)" />
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='timePicker'">
<jnpf-date-time type="time" v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:placeholder="childItem.placeholder" :disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled"
@change="change(arguments,childItem,i)" :format="childItem.format"
:startTime="childItem.startTime" :endTime='childItem.endTime'>
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='datePicker'">
<jnpf-date-time :type="childItem.type||'date'" v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:placeholder="childItem.placeholder" :disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled"
@change="change(arguments,childItem,i)" :format="childItem.format"
:startTime="childItem.startTime" :endTime='childItem.endTime'>
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='uploadImg'">
<jnpf-upload v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled"
:fileSize="childItem.fileSize" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)"
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='uploadFile'">
<jnpf-file v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled"
:limit="childItem.limit?childItem.limit:9" :sizeUnit="childItem.sizeUnit"
:fileSize="childItem.fileSize" :accept="childItem.accept"
@change="change(arguments,childItem,i)" :tipText="childItem.tipText" />
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='rate'">
<jnpf-rate v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :max="childItem.count"
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='slider'">
<jnpf-slider v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :step="childItem.step"
:min="childItem.min||0" :max="childItem.max||100" style="width: 100%;"
:disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)" />
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='relationFormAttr'">
<jnpf-relation-attr v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :showField="childItem.showField"
:relationField="childItem.relationField+'_jnpfRelation_'+i" type="relationFormAttr"
:isStorage='childItem.isStorage' @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)">
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='popupAttr'">
<jnpf-relation-attr v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :showField="childItem.showField"
:relationField="childItem.relationField+'_jnpfRelation_'+i" type="popupAttr"
:isStorage='childItem.isStorage' @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)">
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='relationForm'">
<jnpf-relation-select type="relation" v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:placeholder="childItem.placeholder" :disabled="childItem.disabled"
:modelId="childItem.modelId" :columnOptions="childItem.columnOptions"
:relationField="childItem.relationField" :hasPage="childItem.hasPage"
:vModel="childItem.__config__.tableName ? childItem.__vModel__ + '_jnpfTable_' + childItem.__config__.tableName + (childItem
.__config__.isSubTable ? '0' : '1')+'_jnpfRelation_'+i : childItem.__vModel__+'_jnpfRelation_'+i"
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey === 'popupSelect'">
<jnpf-popup-select type="popup" v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:placeholder="childItem.placeholder" :disabled="childItem.disabled" :formData="formData"
:templateJson="childItem.templateJson" :rowIndex="i" :interfaceId="childItem.interfaceId"
:columnOptions="childItem.columnOptions" :relationField="childItem.relationField"
:propsValue="childItem.propsValue" :hasPage="childItem.hasPage"
:vModel="childItem.__config__.tableName ? childItem.__vModel__ + '_jnpfTable_' + childItem.__config__.tableName + (childItem
.__config__.isSubTable ? '0' : '1')+'_jnpfRelation_'+i : childItem.__vModel__+'_jnpfRelation_'+i"
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey === 'popupTableSelect'">
<jnpf-table-select v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :placeholder="childItem.placeholder"
:disabled="childItem.disabled" :interfaceId="childItem.interfaceId" :formData="formData"
:templateJson="childItem.templateJson" :rowIndex="i"
:columnOptions="childItem.columnOptions" :relationField="childItem.relationField"
:propsValue="childItem.propsValue" :hasPage="childItem.hasPage"
:vModel="childItem.__config__.tableName ? childItem.__vModel__ + '_jnpfTable_' + childItem.__config__.tableName + (childItem.__config__.isSubTable ? '0' : '1')+'_jnpfRelation_'+i : childItem.__vModel__+'_jnpfRelation_'+i"
:multiple="childItem.multiple" :filterable="childItem.filterable"
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='organizeSelect'">
<jnpf-com-select v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :multiple="childItem.multiple"
:placeholder="childItem.placeholder" :disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled"
:selectType="childItem.selectType" :ableIds="childItem.ableIds"
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='depSelect'">
<jnpf-postordep-select type="department" v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:multiple="childItem.multiple" :placeholder="childItem.placeholder"
:disabled="childItem.disabled" :ableIds="childItem.ableIds"
:selectType="childItem.selectType" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)">
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='posSelect'">
<jnpf-postordep-select type="position" v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value"
:multiple="childItem.multiple" :placeholder="childItem.placeholder"
:disabled="childItem.disabled" :ableIds="childItem.ableIds"
:selectType="childItem.selectType" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)">
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='userSelect'">
<jnpf-user-select v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :multiple="childItem.multiple"
:placeholder="childItem.placeholder" :disabled="childItem.disabled"
:selectType="childItem.selectType" :ableIds="childItem.ableIds"
:ableRelationIds="childItem.ableRelationIds" :clearable="childItem.clearable"
<!-- 用户组件 -->
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='usersSelect'">
<jnpf-user-choice v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :multiple="childItem.multiple"
:placeholder="childItem.placeholder" :disabled="childItem.disabled"
:selectType="childItem.selectType" :ableIds="childItem.ableIds"
:clearable="childItem.clearable" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)">
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='treeSelect'">
<jnpf-tree-select v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :options="childItem.options"
:props="childItem.props" :multiple="childItem.multiple" :placeholder="childItem.placeholder"
:disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)"
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='areaSelect'">
<jnpf-city-select v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" :placeholder="childItem.placeholder"
:level="childItem.level" :disabled="disabled||childItem.disabled"
:multiple="childItem.multiple" @change="change(arguments,childItem,i)">
<block v-if="childItem.__config__.jnpfKey==='billRule'">
<u-input input-align='right' v-model="tableFormData[i][cIndex].value" placeholder="系统自动生成"
disabled @input="onChange($event,childItem,i)"></u-input>
<view class="jnpf-table-addBtn" v-if="config.showAddBtn && !disabled && tableFormData.length>0"
<u-icon name="plus" color="#2979ff"></u-icon>{{config.actionText}}
<view class="jnpf-table-addBtn" v-if="config.showAddBtn && tableFormData.length<=0 && !disabled"
<u-icon name="plus" color="#2979ff"></u-icon>{{config.actionText}}
<view class="jnpf-table-item" v-if="config.showSummary && summaryField.length">
<view class="jnpf-table-item-title u-flex u-row-between">
<text class="jnpf-table-item-title-num">{{config.__config__.label}}合计</text>
<view class=" u-p-l-20 u-p-r-20 form-item-box">
<u-form-item v-for="(item,index) in summaryField" :label="item.__config__.label" :key="item.__vModel__">
<u-input input-align='right' v-model="item.value" disabled placeholder=""></u-input>
<u-modal v-model="show" :content="content" width='70%' border-radius="16" :content-style="contentStyle"
:titleStyle="titleStyle" :confirm-style="confirmStyle" :title="title" confirm-text="确定">
import {
} from '@/api/common'
const dyOptionsList = ['radio', 'checkbox', 'select', 'cascader', 'treeSelect']
export default {
name: 'jnpf-table',
inject: ["parameter", "relations"],
model: {
prop: 'value',
event: 'input'
props: {
config: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
formData: {
type: Object,
required: true
value: {
type: [Array, String],
default: () => ([])
data() {
return {
dataInterfaceInfo: [],
activeRowIndex: 0,
tableData: [],
tableFormData: [],
summaryField: [],
isIgnore: false,
show: false,
addType: 0,
addTableConf: {},
tableVmodel: '',
childRelations: {},
userInfo: {},
content: '',
contentStyle: {
fontSize: '28rpx',
padding: '20rpx',
lineHeight: '44rpx',
textAlign: 'left'
titleStyle: {
padding: '20rpx'
confirmStyle: {
height: '80rpx',
lineHeight: '80rpx',
title: '提示',
watch: {
tableFormData: {
handler(val, oldVal) {
const data = this.submit(true)
this.$emit('input', data)
deep: true
computed: {
disabled() {
return this.config.disabled
created() {
this.userInfo = uni.getStorageSync('userInfo') || {}
for (let key in this.relations) {
if (key.includes('-')) {
let tableVModel = key.split('-')[0]
if (tableVModel === this.config.__vModel__) {
let newKey = key.split('-')[1]
this.childRelations[newKey] = this.relations[key]
uni.$on('linkPageConfirm', (subVal, Vmodel) => {
if (this.config.__vModel__ === Vmodel) return subVal.forEach(t => this.tableFormData.unshift(this
if (this.tableFormData.length) this.formatData()
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.addType = this.config.addType || 0
this.addTableConf = this.config.addTableConf
let summaryField = this.config.summaryField || []
this.summaryField = []
this.tableData = this.config.__config__.children || []
for (let i = 0; i < summaryField.length; i++) {
for (let o = 0; o < this.tableData.length; o++) {
if (this.tableData[o].__vModel__ === summaryField[i]) {
this.summaryField = => ({
value: '0.00',
uni.$on('handleRelation', this.handleRelationForParent)
methods: {
clickIcon(e) {
if (!e.__config__.tipLabel) return
this.content = e.__config__.tipLabel
this.title = e.__config__.label = true
getTableSummaries() {
const newVal =, i) => row.reduce((p, c) => {
p[c.__vModel__] = c.value
return p
}, {}))
for (let i = 0; i < this.summaryField.length; i++) {
let val = 0
for (let j = 0; j < newVal.length; j++) {
if (newVal[j][this.summaryField[i].__vModel__]) {
let data = isNaN(newVal[j][this.summaryField[i].__vModel__]) ? 0 :
val += data
this.summaryField[i].value = this.summaryField[i].thousands ? Number(val).toLocaleString(
'zh', {
maximumFractionDigits: '2',
minimumFractionDigits: '2'
}) : val.toFixed(2)
handleRelationForParent(e, defaultValue, st) {
if (!this.tableFormData.length) return
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableFormData.length; i++) {
let row = this.tableFormData[i];
for (let j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
let item = row[j];
const vModel = item.jnpfKey === 'popupSelect' ? item.__vModel__.substring(0, item.__vModel__
.indexOf('_jnpfRelation_')) : item.__vModel__
if (e.__vModel__ === vModel) {
if (e.opType === 'setOptions') {
item.options = []
let query = {
paramList: this.getParamList(e.__config__.templateJson, this.formData, i)
getDataInterfaceRes(e.__config__.propsUrl, query).then(res => {
item.options = Array.isArray( ? : []
if (e.opType === 'setUserOptions') {
if (e.relationField.includes('-')) {
const [attr1, attr2] = e.relationField.split('-')
this.$nextTick(() => {
let value = this.formData[attr1][i][attr2] || []
this.$set(this.tableFormData[i][j], 'ableRelationIds', Array.isArray(
value) ? value : [
} else {
let value = this.formData[e.relationField] || []
this.$set(this.tableFormData[i][j], 'ableRelationIds', Array.isArray(value) ? value : [
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (e.opType === 'setDate') {
let startTime = 0
let endTime = 0
if (e.__config__.startRelationField && e.__config__.startTimeType == 2) {
if (e.__config__.startRelationField.includes('-')) {
const [attr0, attr5] = e.__config__.startRelationField.split('-')
startTime = this.formData[attr0][i][attr5] || 0
} else {
startTime = this.formData[e.__config__.startRelationField] || 0
} else {
startTime = e.startTime
if (e.__config__.endRelationField && e.__config__.endTimeType == 2) {
if (e.__config__.endRelationField.includes('-')) {
const [attr3, attr4] = e.__config__.endRelationField.split('-')
endTime = this.formData[attr3][i][attr4] || 0
} else {
endTime = this.formData[e.__config__.endRelationField] || 0
} else {
endTime = e.endTime
item.startTime = startTime
item.endTime = endTime
if (e.opType === 'setTime') {
let format = e.format
let startTime = ''
let endTime = ''
if (e.__config__.startRelationField && e.__config__.startTimeType == 2) {
if (e.__config__.startRelationField.includes('-')) {
const [attr0, attr5] = e.__config__.startRelationField.split('-')
startTime = this.formData[attr0][i][attr5] || '00:00:00'
} else {
startTime = this.formData[e.__config__.startRelationField] ||
startTime = startTime + ':00'
if (startTime.split(':').length == 3) {
startTime = startTime
} else {
startTime = startTime + ':00'
} else {
startTime = e.startTime
if (e.__config__.endRelationField && e.__config__.endTimeType == 2) {
if (e.__config__.endRelationField.includes('-')) {
const [attr3, attr4] = e.__config__.endRelationField.split('-')
endTime = this.formData[attr3][i][attr4] || '23:59:59'
} else {
endTime = this.formData[e.__config__.endRelationField] || '23:59:59'
if (endTime.split(':').length == 3) {
endTime = endTime
} else {
endTime = endTime + ':00'
} else {
endTime = e.endTime
item.startTime = startTime
item.endTime = endTime
if (item.value != defaultValue) {
if (st || !item.value) item.value = defaultValue
handleRelation(data, rowIndex) {
const currRelations = this.childRelations
for (let key in currRelations) {
if (key === data.__vModel__) {
for (let i = 0; i < currRelations[key].length; i++) {
const e = currRelations[key][i];
const config = e.__config__
const jnpfKey = config.jnpfKey
let defaultValue = ''
if (['checkbox', 'cascader'].includes(jnpfKey) || (['select', 'treeSelect',
'popupTableSelect', 'userSelect'
].includes(jnpfKey) && e.multiple)) {
defaultValue = []
let row = this.tableFormData[rowIndex];
for (let j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
let item = row[j];
const vModel = item.jnpfKey === 'popupSelect' ? item.__vModel__.substring(0, item
.__vModel__.indexOf('_jnpfRelation_')) : item.__vModel__
if (e.__vModel__ === vModel) {
if (e.opType === 'setOptions') {
item.options = []
let query = {
paramList: this.getParamList(config.templateJson, this
getDataInterfaceRes(config.propsUrl, query).then(res => {
item.options = Array.isArray( ? : []
if (e.opType === 'setUserOptions') {
let value = this.getFieldVal(e.relationField, rowIndex) || []
item.ableRelationIds = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]
if (e.opType === 'setDate') {
let startTime = 0
let endTime = 0
if (config.startRelationField && config.startTimeType == 2) {
startTime = this.getFieldVal(config.startRelationField, rowIndex) || 0
} else {
startTime = e.startTime
if (config.endRelationField && config.endTimeType == 2) {
endTime = this.getFieldVal(config.endRelationField, rowIndex) || 0
} else {
endTime = e.endTime
item.startTime = startTime
item.endTime = endTime
if (e.opType === 'setTime') {
let startTime = 0
let endTime = 0
if (config.startRelationField && config.startTimeType == 2) {
startTime = this.getFieldVal(config.startRelationField, rowIndex) ||
if (startTime.split(':').length == 3) {
startTime = startTime
} else {
startTime = startTime + ':00'
} else {
startTime = e.startTime
if (config.endRelationField && config.endTimeType == 2) {
endTime = this.getFieldVal(config.endRelationField, rowIndex) ||
if (endTime.split(':').length == 3) {
endTime = endTime
} else {
endTime = endTime + ':00'
} else {
endTime = e.endTime
item.startTime = startTime
item.endTime = endTime
if (item.value != defaultValue) {
item.value = defaultValue
this.$nextTick(() => this.handleRelation(item, rowIndex));
handleDefaultRelation(data, rowIndex = 0) {
const currRelations = this.childRelations
for (let key in currRelations) {
if (key === data) {
for (let i = 0; i < currRelations[key].length; i++) {
const e = currRelations[key][i];
const config = e.__config__
let defaultValue = ''
let row = this.tableFormData[rowIndex];
for (let j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
let item = row[j];
const vModel = item.jnpfKey === 'popupSelect' ? item.__vModel__.substring(0, item
.__vModel__.indexOf('_jnpfRelation_')) : item.__vModel__
if (e.__vModel__ === vModel) {
if (e.opType === 'setUserOptions') {
let value = this.getFieldVal(e.relationField, rowIndex) || []
item.ableRelationIds = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]
if (e.opType === 'setDate') {
let startTime = 0
let endTime = 0
if (config.startRelationField && config.startTimeType == 2) {
startTime = this.getFieldVal(config.startRelationField, rowIndex) || 0
} else {
startTime = e.startTime
if (config.endRelationField && config.endTimeType == 2) {
endTime = this.getFieldVal(config.endRelationField, rowIndex) || 0
} else {
endTime = e.endTime
item.startTime = startTime
item.endTime = endTime
if (e.opType === 'setTime') {
let startTime = 0
let endTime = 0
if (config.startRelationField && config.startTimeType == 2) {
startTime = this.getFieldVal(config.startRelationField, rowIndex) ||
if (startTime.split(':').length == 3) {
startTime = startTime
} else {
startTime = startTime + ':00'
} else {
startTime = e.startTime
if (config.endRelationField && config.endTimeType == 2) {
endTime = this.getFieldVal(config.endRelationField, rowIndex) ||
if (endTime.split(':').length == 3) {
endTime = endTime
} else {
endTime = endTime + ':00'
} else {
endTime = e.endTime
item.startTime = startTime
item.endTime = endTime
getFieldVal(field, rowIndex) {
let val = ''
if (field.includes('-')) {
let childVModel = field.split('-')[1]
let list = this.tableFormData[rowIndex].filter(o => o.__vModel__ === childVModel)
if (!list.length) {
val = ''
} else {
let item = list[0]
val = item.value
} else {
val = this.formData[field] || ''
return val
buildRowAttr(rowIndex, val) {
let row = this.tableFormData[rowIndex];
for (let i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
let item = row[i];
const config = item.__config__
for (let key in this.value[rowIndex]) {
if (key === item.__vModel__) {
item.value = this.value[rowIndex][key]
if (val && dyOptionsList.indexOf(config.jnpfKey) > -1) {
if (config.dataType === 'dynamic' && config.propsUrl) {
this.handleRelation(item, rowIndex)
if (cur.options && cur.options.length && (!config.templateJson || !config.templateJson
.length || !this.hasTemplateJsonRelation(config.templateJson))) continue
let query = {
paramList: config.templateJson ? this.getParamList(config.templateJson, this
rowIndex) : [],
const matchInfo = JSON.stringify({
id: config.propsUrl,
const item = {
colIndex: i
const infoIndex = this.dataInterfaceInfo.findIndex(item => item.matchInfo === matchInfo);
let useCacheOptions = false;
if (infoIndex === -1) {
} else {
const cacheOptions = this.getCacheOptions(infoIndex);
if (cacheOptions.length) {
item.options = cacheOptions;
useCacheOptions = true;
if (!useCacheOptions) {
getDataInterfaceRes(config.propsUrl, query).then(res => {
item.options = Array.isArray( ? : []
if (config.jnpfKey === 'userSelect' && item.relationField && item.selectType !== 'all' && item
.selectType !== 'custom') {
let value = this.getFieldVal(item.relationField, rowIndex) || []
item.ableRelationIds = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]
if (config.jnpfKey === 'datePicker') {
let startTime = 0
let endTime = 0
if (config.startRelationField && config.startTimeType == 2) {
startTime = this.getFieldVal(config.startRelationField, rowIndex) || 0
} else {
startTime = item.startTime
if (config.endRelationField && config.endTimeType == 2) {
endTime = this.getFieldVal(config.endRelationField, rowIndex) || 0
} else {
endTime = item.endTime
item.startTime = startTime
item.endTime = endTime
if (config.jnpfKey === 'timePicker') {
let startTime = 0
let endTime = 0
if (config.startRelationField && config.startTimeType == 2) {
startTime = this.getFieldVal(config.startRelationField, rowIndex) || '00:00:00'
if (startTime && (startTime.split(':').length == 3)) {
startTime = startTime
} else {
startTime = startTime + ':00'
} else {
startTime = item.startTime
if (config.endRelationField && config.endTimeType == 2) {
endTime = this.getFieldVal(config.endRelationField, rowIndex) || '23:59:59'
if (startTime.split(':').length == 3) {
endTime = endTime
} else {
endTime = endTime + ':00'
} else {
endTime = item.endTime
item.startTime = startTime
item.endTime = endTime
// 获取缓存options数据
getCacheOptions(index) {
const item = this.dataInterfaceInfo[index];
if (item.rowIndex === -1) {
return this.tableData[item.colIndex].options || [];
} else {
return this.tableFormData[item.rowIndex][item.colIndex].options || [];
// 判断templateJson里是否有关联字段
hasTemplateJsonRelation(templateJson) {
return templateJson.some(o => o.relationField);
getParamList(templateJson, formData, index) {
for (let i = 0; i < templateJson.length; i++) {
if (templateJson[i].relationField) {
if (templateJson[i].relationField.includes('-')) {
let childVModel = templateJson[i].relationField.split('-')[1]
let list = this.tableFormData[index].filter(o => o.__vModel__ === childVModel)
if (!list.length) {
templateJson[i].defaultValue = ''
} else {
let item = list[0]
templateJson[i].defaultValue = item.value
} else {
templateJson[i].defaultValue = formData[templateJson[i].relationField] || ''
return templateJson
getDefaultParamList(templateJson, formData) {
for (let i = 0; i < templateJson.length; i++) {
if (templateJson[i].relationField) {
if (templateJson[i].relationField.includes('-')) {
let childVModel = templateJson[i].relationField.split('-')[1]
let list = this.tableData.filter(o => o.__vModel__ === childVModel)
templateJson[i].defaultValue = ''
if (list.length) templateJson[i].defaultValue = list[0].__config__.defaultValue || ''
} else {
templateJson[i].defaultValue = formData[templateJson[i].relationField] || ''
return templateJson
buildOptions() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableData.length; i++) {
const config = this.tableData[i].__config__
if (dyOptionsList.indexOf(config.jnpfKey) > -1) {
if (config.dataType === 'dictionary' && config.dictionaryType) {
this.$store.dispatch('base/getDicDataSelector', config.dictionaryType).then(res => {
this.tableData[i].options = res
if (config.dataType === 'dynamic' && config.propsUrl) {
let query = {
paramList: config.templateJson ? this.getDefaultParamList(config.templateJson, this
.formData) : [],
const matchInfo = JSON.stringify({
id: config.propsUrl,
const item = {
rowIndex: -1,
colIndex: i
getDataInterfaceRes(config.propsUrl, query).then(res => {
this.tableData[i].options = Array.isArray( ? : []
init() {
if (Array.isArray(this.value) && this.value.length) {
this.value.forEach(t => this.tableFormData.push(this.getEmptyItem(t)))
this.$nextTick(() => {
initRelationData() {
const handleRelationFun = (list) => {
list.forEach(cur => {
if (cur.__config__.children) handleRelationFun(cur.__config__.children)
addItem(val) {
if (this.addType == 0) {
if (this.tableFormData.length) this.formatData()
this.$nextTick(() => {
const rowIndex = this.tableFormData.length - 1
this.buildRowAttr(rowIndex, val)
} else {
this.tableVmodel = this.config.__vModel__
let data = {
addTableConf: this.addTableConf,
formData: this.formData,
tableVmodel: this.tableVmodel
url: '/pages/apply/tableLinkage/index?data=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON
delItem(i, title) {
var that = this
title: '提示',
content: '确认删除该条数据吗?',
success: function(res) {
if (res.confirm) {
that.tableFormData.splice(i, 1)
that.$nextTick(() => {
formatData() {
this.tableFormData.forEach((item, index) => {
item.forEach((it) => {
if (it.__config__.jnpfKey == 'inputNumber') {
this.$set(it, 'value', Number(it.value))
if (this.tableFormData.length) {
if (it.__config__.jnpfKey === 'datePicker' && it.__config__.defaultCurrent ==
true && index === this.tableFormData.length - 1) {
this.$set(it, 'value', new Date().getTime())
} else if (it.__config__.jnpfKey === 'organizeSelect' && it.__config__
.defaultCurrent == true && index === this.tableFormData.length - 1) {
if (this.userInfo.organizeIdList instanceof Array && this.userInfo
.organizeIdList.length > 0) {
if (it.multiple == true) {
this.$set(it, 'value', [this.userInfo.organizeIdList])
} else {
this.$set(it, 'value', this.userInfo.organizeIdList)
} else {
this.$set(it, 'value', [])
} else {
getEmptyItem(val) {
return => {
if (t.__config__.jnpfKey === 'datePicker' && t.__config__.defaultCurrent) {
let format = this.jnpf.handelFormat(t.format)
let dateStr = this.jnpf.toDate(new Date().getTime(), format)
let time = format === 'yyyy' ? '-01-01 00:00:00' : format === 'yyyy-MM' ? '-01 00:00:00' :
format === 'yyyy-MM-dd' ?
' 00:00:00' : ''
t.__config__.defaultValue = new Date(dateStr + time).getTime()
if (t.__config__.jnpfKey === 'timePicker' && t.__config__.defaultCurrent) {
t.__config__.defaultValue = this.jnpf.toDate(new Date(), t.format)
if (t.__config__.jnpfKey === 'inputNumber') {
let defVal;
if (t.__config__.defaultValue === undefined) {
t.__config__.defaultValue = defVal
let res = {
value: val ? val[t.__vModel__] : t.__config__.defaultValue
return res
checkData(item) {
if ([null, undefined, ''].includes(item.value)) return false
if (Array.isArray(item.value)) return item.value.length > 0
return true
submit(noShowToast) {
let res = true
outer: for (let i = 0; i < this.tableFormData.length; i++) {
const row = this.tableFormData[i]
for (let j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
if (row[j].__config__.required && !this.checkData(row[j]) && row[j].__config__
.isVisibility && !row[j].__config__.noShow) {
res = false
if (!noShowToast) this.$u.toast(
break outer
if (row[j].__config__.regList && row[j].__config__.regList.length && row[j]
.isVisibility) {
let regList = row[j].__config__.regList
for (let ii = 0; ii < regList.length; ii++) {
const item = regList[ii];
let pattern = eval(item.pattern)
if (row[j].value && !pattern.test(row[j].value)) {
if (!noShowToast) this.$u.toast(
res = false
break outer
const data = => row.reduce((p, c) => (p[c.__vModel__] = c.value, p), {})) || []
return noShowToast ? data : res ? data : false
setTableFormData(prop, value) {
let activeRow = this.tableFormData[this.activeRowIndex]
for (let i = 0; i < activeRow.length; i++) {
if (activeRow[i].__vModel__ === prop) {
activeRow[i].value = value
getTableFieldOptions(prop) {
let res = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableData.length; i++) {
if (this.tableData[i].__vModel__ === prop) {
let item = this.tableData[i]
let isTreeSelect = item.__config__.jnpfKey === 'treeSelect' || item.__config__.jnpfKey ===
res = item.options || []
return res
onChange(val, data, rowIndex) {
let res = val.value ? val.value : val
this.activeRowIndex = rowIndex
var jnpfKey = data.__config__.jnpfKey
if (jnpfKey == "inputNumber" || jnpfKey == "switch" || jnpfKey == "input" || jnpfKey == "textarea") {
this.setScriptFunc(res, data)
this.handleRelation(data, rowIndex)
change(val, data, rowIndex) {
this.activeRowIndex = rowIndex
this.handleRelation(data, rowIndex)
let res = ''
if (val.length > 1) {
res = val[1]
} else {
if (data.__config__.jnpfKey == "uploadImg" || data.__config__.jnpfKey == "uploadFile") {
res = val[0]
} else {
res = this.getDefalutData(data)
this.setScriptFunc(res, data)
setScriptFunc(res, data) {
if (data && data.on && data.on.change) {
const func = this.jnpf.getScriptFunc(data.on.change);
if (!func) return, {
data: res,
getDefalutData(item) {
let config = item.__config__
let data = ''
if (['select', 'radio', 'checkbox'].includes(config.jnpfKey)) {
let options = item.options
let props = item.props
if (config.jnpfKey === 'checkbox' || (config.jnpfKey === 'select' && item.multiple)) {
let _data = []
outer: for (let i = 0; i < item.value.length; i++) {
inner: for (let j = 0; j < options.length; j++) {
if (item.value[i] === options[j][props.value]) {
break inner
data = _data
} else {
let _data = {}
for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if (item.value == options[i][props.value]) {
_data = options[i]
data = _data
return data ? data : item.value ? item.value : config.defaultValue