You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

725 lines
21 KiB

9 months ago
<view class="operate-v">
<view class="jnpf-wrap">
<u-form :model="dataForm" label-position="left" label-width="150" ref="dataForm">
<view class="u-p-l-20 u-p-r-20 form-item-box">
4 months ago
<u-form-item label="审批节点" v-if="config.eventType === 'reject' && isLastAppro"
9 months ago
:class="{ 'form-item': rejectType == 3 }">
<jnpf-select v-model="dataForm.rejectStep" :options="config.rejectList.list" :props="props"
:disabled="config.rejectStep != 2" />
<view class="reject" v-if="rejectType == 3 && config.eventType === 'reject'">
<view class="">
<u-radio-group v-model="dataForm.rejectType">
<u-radio @change="radioChange(item)" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index"
:name="" :disabled="item.disabled">
{{ item.fullName }}
<view class="u-p-l-20 u-p-r-20 form-item-box">
<u-form-item label="分支选择" prop="branch" v-if="isBranch" required>
<jnpf-select v-model="dataForm.branchList" @change="branchChange" placeholder="请选择审批分支"
:options="branchList" multiple :props="config.props" />
<u-form-item :label="seletUserLabel" prop="freeApproverUserId"
:required="config.eventType === 'transfer' || config.hasFreeApprover ? true: false"
v-if="(config.hasFreeApprover || config.eventType === 'transfer') && config.eventType !== 'revoke' &&config.eventType !== 'recall' && config.eventType !== 'reject'">
4 months ago
<jnpf-user-select v-model="dataForm.freeApproverUserId" @open="open" @change="zhuanshen" />
9 months ago
<u-form-item label="加签类型" v-if="config.hasFreeApprover">
<jnpf-select :options="typeList" v-model="dataForm.freeApproverType"
@change="freeApproverChange" />
<u-form-item prop="comInput" v-for="(item, index) in candidateList" :key="index"
:label="item.nodeName" required
v-if=" config.eventType !== 'transfer' &&config.eventType !== 'revoke' && config.eventType !== 'recall' && isCandidate">
<u-input v-if="item.hasCandidates" type="select" :select-open="item.selectShow"
v-model="candidateValue[item.nodeId]" @click="openSelect(item)" placeholder="请选择审批候选人">
<jnpf-user-select v-model="candidateValue[item.nodeId]" v-else multiple
@change="change($event, item.nodeId)" @open="open" />
<u-form-item :label="opinionName" prop="handleOpinion"
v-if="config.eventType !== 'submit' && config.hasOpinion">
<u-input v-model="dataForm.handleOpinion" type="textarea" :placeholder="placeholder" />
4 months ago
<!-- <view class="u-p-10"
9 months ago
v-if="config.eventType != 'transfer' &&config.eventType != 'recall' &&config.eventType !== 'revoke'">
<u-button type="info" size="mini" @click="commonWords"></u-button>
4 months ago
</view> -->
9 months ago
4 months ago
<view class="tagsbox">
<u-tag class="tag-item" v-for="tag in commonWordsList" :key="tag" :text="tag.commonWordsText" closeable
@close="delCommonWord(tag)" @click="selectCommonWord(tag)" />
<u-input class="tag-ipt" v-if="inputVisible" ref="saveTagInput" v-model="tagValue" :type="type"
:focus="focus" :border="border" @keyup.enter.native="handleInputConfirm"
@blur="handleInputConfirm" />
4 months ago
<u-button class="tag-btn" v-else type="info" size="mini" @click="showInput">+ </u-button>
4 months ago
9 months ago
<u-form-item :label="config.title + '附件'" prop="fileList"
4 months ago
v-if="config.eventType !== 'submit' && config.hasOpinion && config.title != '拒绝'">
9 months ago
<jnpf-file v-model="dataForm.fileList" :limit="3" />
<u-form-item label="抄送人员" prop="copyIds"
v-if="config.isCustomCopy &&config.eventType !== 'transfer' &&config.eventType !== 'revoke' &&config.eventType !== 'recall' &&config.eventType !== 'reject'">
<jnpf-user-select v-model="dataForm.copyIds" multiple @open="open" />
<u-form-item label="签名" prop="signImg" v-if="isSign" required>
<Signature ref="sig" v-model="dataForm.signImg" @input="initSignImg"></Signature>
<view v-if="isShow">
4 months ago
<view class="flowBefore-actions" v-if="config.eventType !== 'submit'" style="bottom: auto;">
9 months ago
<u-button class="buttom-btn" type="primary" @click="handleClick(config.eventType)">
{{ btnTxt }}
<view v-if="isShow">
<view class="flowBefore-actions" v-if="config.eventType === 'submit'">
<u-button class="buttom-btn" @click="handleClick('cancel')"></u-button>
<u-button class="buttom-btn" type="primary" @click="handleClick(config.eventType)">
<u-popup v-model="show" mode="bottom" border-radius="14" height="700rpx" closeable :mask-close-able="false">
<view class="u-p-28 hd" style="text-align: center">常用审批语</view>
<view class="add">
<view class="add-inner" @click="editCommonWord">
<u-icon name="plus-circle-fill" color="#81d3f8" size="28"></u-icon>
<text class="u-m-l-8">添加常用语</text>
<view class="content">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height: 480rpx">
<view class="commonList u-flex-col">
<view class="u-flex item" v-if="commonWordsList.length > 0"
v-for="(item, index) in commonWordsList" :key="index">
<view class="txt" @click="selectCommonWord(item)">
{{ item.commonWordsText }}
<view class="icon" @click.stop="editCommonWord(item)" v-if="item.commonWordsType == 1">
<i class="icon-ym icon-ym-btn-edit" style="color: #81d3f8;font-size: 36rpx;"></i>
<view class="icon" @click.stop="delCommonWord(item)" v-if="item.commonWordsType == 1">
<i class="icon-ym icon-ym-extend-trash" style="color: #e35d4b;font-size: 36rpx;"></i>
<view class="" v-if="commonWordsList.length <= 0">
<view class="notData-box u-flex-col">
<view class="u-flex-col notData-inner">
<image :src="icon" mode="" class="iconImg"></image>
<text class="notData-inner-text">暂无数据</text>
<u-popup v-model="show2" mode="center" width="500rpx" border-radius="24" :key="key">
<view class="u-flex-col innerPopup-box">
<view class="innerPopup-hd"> 审批常用语 </view>
<view class="innerPopup-content">
<u-input v-model="commonWordsText" type="textarea" placeholder="请输入内容" :auto-height="false"
maxlength="99999" height="150" />
<view class="u-flex btn-box">
<button class="btn" @click="cancel"></button>
<button class="btn btn2" @click="confirm"></button>
import Signature from "../components/sin-signature/sin-signature.vue";
import {
} from "@/api/common.js";
import {
} from "@/api/commonWords.js";
import resources from "@/libs/resources.js";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
4 months ago
dynamicTags: [],
9 months ago
placeholder: "请输入意见",
icon: resources.message.nodata,
customStyle: {
// 注意驼峰命名,并且值必须用引号包括,因为这是对象
color: "red",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
borderRadius: "0",
border: "0",
commonWordsText: "",
show2: false,
show: false,
4 months ago
inputVisible: false,
9 months ago
btnTxt: '确认',
typeList: [{
fullName: "审批前",
id: 1,
fullName: "审批后",
id: 2,
props: {
label: "nodeName",
value: "nodeCode",
list: [{
fullName: "重新审批",
disabled: false,
name: 1,
fullName: "直接提交给我",
disabled: false,
name: 2,
config: {},
dataForm: {
fileList: [],
handleOpinion: "",
signImg: "",
copyIds: "",
freeApproverUserId: "",
branchList: [],
candidateList: {},
rejectStep: "",
freeApproverType: 1,
rejectType: 1,
candidateValue: {},
selectList: [],
selectVal: {},
isCandidate: false,
branchList: [],
candidateList: [],
candidateType: "",
seletUserLabel: "选择人员",
opinionName: "审批意见",
isShow: true,
isBranch: false,
isSign: false,
rejectList: [],
isLastAppro: true,
rejectType: 1,
commonWordsList: [],
commonWordsData: {},
key: +new Date()
onLoad(option) {
this.config = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(option.config));
this.userInfo = uni.getStorageSync("userInfo") || {};
this.dataForm.signImg = this.userInfo.signImg;
this.rejectList = this.config.rejectList.list || [];
this.rejectType = this.config.rejectType;
this.isLastAppro = this.config.rejectList.isLastAppro;
title: this.config.title,
this.btnTxt = this.btnTxt + this.config.title.replace(/\s+/g, "")
4 months ago
if(this.btnTxt == '确认退回'){
this.btnTxt = '确认拒绝';
9 months ago
this.isCandidate = true;
this.candidateType = this.config.candidateType; /* 1==分支 2==候选人 3==直接通过*/
this.isSign = this.config.eventType !== "submit" && this.config.hasSign;
if (this.config.hasFreeApprover) {
this.opinionName = "加签原因";
this.seletUserLabel = "加签人员";
this.isBranch = false;
} else {
this.isBranch =
this.candidateType == 1 &&
this.config.eventType !== "transfer" &&
this.config.eventType !== "reject";
if (this.candidateType === 3) this.isCandidate = false;
this.candidateList = this.config.candidateList;
this.branchList = this.config.branchList || [];
if (this.branchList.length) {
this.branchList = this.branchList.filter((o) => o.isBranchFlow);
this.candidateList = this.config.branchList.filter(
(o) => !o.isBranchFlow && o.isCandidates
this.candidateList = => ({
label: o.nodeName + "审批人",
if (
this.config.eventType === "reject" ||
this.config.eventType === "revoke" ||
this.config.eventType === "recall" ||
this.config.eventType === "submit" ||
this.config.eventType === "transfer"
) {
if (this.config.eventType === "transfer") {
this.seletUserLabel = "转给谁";
this.opinionName = "转审原因";
this.placeholder = "请输入原因";
4 months ago
9 months ago
if (this.config.eventType === "reject") {
4 months ago
this.opinionName = "审批意见";
9 months ago
this.dataForm.rejectStep = this.rejectList[0][this.props.value];
this.dataForm.rejectType = this.rejectType != 3 ? this.rejectType : 1;
if (this.config.eventType === "recall") {
this.opinionName = "撤回原因";
this.placeholder = "请输入原因";
if (this.config.eventType === "revoke") {
this.opinionName = "撤回原因";
this.placeholder = "请输入原因";
uni.$on("confirm", (data, id) => {
this.selectConfirm(data, id);
if (this.config.eventType !== "submit" && this.config.hasOpinion) {
onUnload() {
methods: {
4 months ago
showInput() {
this.inputVisible = true;
this.focus = true;
4 months ago
useTag(tag) {
this.dataForm.handleOpinion = tag;
9 months ago
init() {
if (this.candidateType == 1) {
let list = [];
this.isCandidate = false;
const defaultList = this.candidateList;
for (let i = 0; i < this.dataForm.branchList.length; i++) {
inner: for (let j = 0; j < this.branchList.length; j++) {
let o = this.branchList[j];
if (this.dataForm.branchList[i] === o.nodeId && o.isCandidates) {
this.isCandidate = true;
label: o.nodeName + "审批人",
break inner;
this.candidateList = [...defaultList, ...list];
} else if (this.candidateType == 2) {
if (Array.isArray(this.candidateList) && this.candidateList.length) {
this.isCandidate =
this.config.eventType === "freeapprover" ? false : true;
this.candidateList = => ({
label: o.nodeName + "审批人",
this.key = +new Date()
/* 常用语 */
getSelector() {
getSelector().then((res) => {
this.commonWordsList = || [];
this.key = +new Date()
confirm(e) {
this.commonWordsData.commonWordsText = this.commonWordsText;
this.commonWordsData.commonWordsType = 1
if (!this.commonWordsText) return this.$u.toast(`审批常用语不能为空`);
let funs = === 0 ? Create : Update;
.then((res) => {
this.show2 = false;
this.commonWordsText = "";
title: res.msg,
icon: "none",
complete: () => {
.catch((err) => {
this.show2 = false;
4 months ago
handleInputConfirm() {
this.commonWordsData.commonWordsText = this.tagValue;
this.commonWordsData.commonWordsType = 1
this.commonWordsData.sortCode = 0
this.commonWordsData.enabledMark = 1
if (this.tagValue && this.tagValue != ''){
let funs = Create;
this.tagValue = '';
.then((res) => {
this.focus = false;
this.inputVisible = false;
title: res.msg,
icon: "none",
complete: () => {
.catch((err) => {
this.show2 = false;
this.focus = false;
this.inputVisible = false;
9 months ago
cancel() {
this.show2 = false;
this.commonWordsText = "";
commonWords() { = true;
this.key = +new Date()
selectCommonWord(item) {
this.dataForm.handleOpinion =
this.dataForm.handleOpinion + item.commonWordsText; = false;
delCommonWord(item) {
deleteCommonWordsInfo( => {
editCommonWord(item) {
this.show2 = true;
let data = {
commonWordsText: "",
enabledMark: 1,
id: 0,
sortCode: 0,
systemIds: [],
systemNames: [],
if ( {
this.commonWordsText = item.commonWordsText;
this.commonWordsData = {
systemIds: [],
systemNames: []
} else {
this.commonWordsText = "";
this.commonWordsData = data;
/* 常用语 end */
// 选中某个单选框时由radio时触发
radioChange(e) {
this.dataForm.rejectType =;
open(e) {
this.isShow = !e;
change(val, nodeId) {
if (val.length < 1) return
let vals = [];
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
this.$set(this.dataForm.candidateList, nodeId, vals);
branchChange(e) {
this.dataForm.branchList = e;
freeApproverChange(e) {
this.isBranch = false;
this.isCandidate = false;
if (this.config.hasFreeApprover && e == 2 && this.candidateList.length) {
this.isCandidate = true;
this.candidateType = this.config.candidateType;
if (this.candidateType == 1 && this.branchList.length > 0) {
this.isBranch = true;
initSignImg(e) {
let data = {
signImg: e,
isDefault: 1,
createSignImg(data).then((res) => {
this.userInfo.signImg = e;
uni.setStorageSync("userInfo", this.userInfo);
openSelect(item) {
this.selectList = [];
for (let o in this.selectVal) {
if (o === item.nodeId) this.selectList = this.selectVal[o];
item.formData = this.config.formData;
item.taskId = this.config.taskId;
item.selectList = this.selectList;
item.candidateList = JSON.stringify(this.candidateList);
url: "/pages/workFlow/candiDateUserSelect/index?data=" +
selectConfirm(e, nodeId) {
let data = e;
let users = [];
let val = [];
let selectVal = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.candidateList.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
if (data[j].nodeId === this.candidateList[i].nodeId) {
this.$set(this.candidateValue, nodeId, val.join(","));
this.$set(this.selectVal, nodeId, selectVal);
this.$set(this.dataForm.candidateList, nodeId, users);
handleClick(type) {
if (type === "cancel") return uni.navigateBack();
if (!this.isCandidate) delete this.dataForm["candidateList"];
if (!this.config.hasSign) delete this.dataForm.signImg;
if (!this.config.hasFreeApprover) delete this.dataForm.freeApproverType;
this.dataForm.copyIds = !!this.dataForm.copyIds ?
this.dataForm.copyIds.join() :
let query = {
eventType: this.config.eventType,
candidateType: this.candidateType,
if (type === "transfer") {
if (this.dataForm.freeApproverUserId.length <= 0)
return this.$u.toast(`转审人员不能为空`);
if (this.config.hasFreeApprover) {
if (this.dataForm.freeApproverUserId.length <= 0)
return this.$u.toast(`加签人员不能为空`);
if (this.isBranch && this.branchList.length > 0) {
if (this.dataForm.branchList.length <= 0)
return this.$u.toast(`分支选择不能为空`);
if (this.isCandidate) {
query.candidateList = this.dataForm.candidateList;
if (Object.keys(this.dataForm.candidateList).length == 0)
return this.$u.toast(`候选人不能为空`);
if (this.config.eventType !== "submit" && this.isSign) {
if (this.dataForm.signImg.length <= 0)
return this.$u.toast(`签名不能为空`);
if (this.config.type == 1) {
query = {
query.fileList = query.fileList;
uni.$emit("operate", query);
<style lang="scss">
page {
height: 100%;
4 months ago
.tagsbox {
background-color: $uni-bg-color;
padding: 0px 45px;
.tag-item {
margin: 10px;
.tag-btn {
margin: 10px;
.tag-ipt {
margin: 10px;
9 months ago
.form-item {
&::after {
border-bottom-width: 0px !important;
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text-align: center;
background-color: #fff;
padding: 20rpx 32rpx;
border-bottom: 2rpx solid #f4f6f8;
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color: #1890ff;
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height: 100%;
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flex-direction: column;
.flowBefore-actions {
z-index: 0;
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flex: 1;
.hd {
border-bottom: 2rpx solid #f2f2f2;
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width: 100%;
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justify-content: flex-start;
padding: 20rpx;
.add-inner {
width: 30%;
.commonList {
width: 100%;
.item {
width: 100%;
padding: 20rpx;
border-bottom: 2rpx solid #f2f2f2;
.txt {
width: 90%;
word-wrap: break-word;
.icon {
width: 60rpx;
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.notData-box {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
justify-content: center;
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padding-top: 100rpx;
.notData-inner {
width: 280rpx;
height: 308rpx;
align-items: center;
.iconImg {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.notData-inner-text {
padding: 30rpx 0;
color: #909399;
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justify-content: space-between;
box-sizing: border-box;
overflow: hidden;
.innerPopup-hd {
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padding: 0 20rpx;
.btn-box {
width: 100%;
.btn {
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height: 72rpx;
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