You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

259 lines
6.8 KiB

9 months ago
<view class="">
<u-navbar title-color="#fff" back-icon-color="#ffffff"
:is-fixed="isFixed" :is-back="isBack"
:back-text-style="{color: '#fff'}" :title="title"
:back-icon-name="backIconName" :back-text="backText"
<view class="slot-wrap" v-if="useSlot">
<view class="search-wrap" v-if="search">
<!-- 如果使用u-search组件必须要给v-model绑定一个变量 -->
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<u-icon name="chat" size="38"></u-icon>
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<text class="map-wrap-text">轻舟已过万重山</text>
<u-icon name="arrow-down-fill" color="#ffffff" size="22"></u-icon>
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<u-icon name="calendar-fill" size="38"></u-icon>
<u-badge size="mini" :is-dot="true" :offset="[-6, -6]"></u-badge>
<view class="u-demo">
<view class="u-demo-wrap">
<view class="u-demo-title">演示效果</view>
<view class="u-demo-area">
<u-toast ref="uToast"></u-toast>
<view class="u-no-demo-here">查看顶部导航栏效果</view>
<view class="u-config-wrap">
<view class="u-config-title u-border-bottom">
<view class="u-config-item">
<view class="u-item-title">标题长度</view>
<u-subsection :list="['短', '中', '长']" @change="titleChange"></u-subsection>
<view class="u-config-item">
<view class="u-item-title">隐藏左侧返回区域</view>
<u-subsection current="1" :list="['是', '否']" @change="backChange"></u-subsection>
<view class="u-config-item">
<view class="u-item-title">自定义左侧内容</view>
<u-subsection current="1" :list="['是', '否']" @change="leftChange"></u-subsection>
<view class="u-config-item">
<view class="u-item-title">自定义右侧内容</view>
<u-subsection :current="slotRightCurrent" :list="['是', '否']" @change="rightChange"></u-subsection>
<view class="u-config-item">
<view class="u-item-title">传入整体slot</view>
<u-subsection :list="['无', '搜索框', '搜索+按钮', '搜索+图标']" @change="searchChange"></u-subsection>
<view class="u-config-item">
<view class="u-item-title">完全自定义传入内容</view>
<u-subsection current="1" :list="['是', '否']" @change="customChange"></u-subsection>
<view class="u-config-item">
<view class="u-item-title">背景色</view>
<u-subsection :list="['渐变', '#39CCCC', '#B471CC', '#001f3f']" @change="bgColorChange"></u-subsection>
export default {
data() {
return {
title: '新闻',
backText: '返回',
backIconName: 'nav-back',
right: false,
showAction: false,
rightSlot: false,
useSlot: false,
background: {
'background-image': 'linear-gradient(45deg, rgb(28, 187, 180), rgb(141, 198, 63))'
isBack: true,
search: false,
custom: false,
isFixed: true,
keyword: '',
// #ifdef MP
slotRight: false,
// #endif
// #ifndef MP
slotRight: true
// #endif
computed: {
slotRightCurrent() {
return this.slotRight ? 0 : 1;
methods: {
titleChange(index) {
this.useSlot = false;
this.title = index == 0 ? '新闻' : index == 1 ? '新闻列表' : '雨打梨花深闭门,忘了青春,误了青春';
leftChange(index) {
if(index == 0) {
this.backText = '';
this.backIconName = 'arrow-leftward';
} else {
this.backText = '返回';
this.backIconName = 'arrow-left';
searchChange(index) {
this.title = null;
this.useSlot = true; = false;
this.custom = false;
if(index == 0) {
this.title = '新闻';
this.useSlot = false;
this.rightSlot = false;
} else if(index == 1) {
this.showAction = false;
this.useSlot = true;
this.rightSlot = false; = true;
this.slotRight = false;
} else if(index == 2) {
this.useSlot = true;
this.showAction = true;
this.rightSlot = false; = true;
this.slotRight = false;
} else {
this.useSlot = true; = true;
this.showAction = false;
this.rightSlot = true;
this.slotRight = false;
backChange(index) {
this.isBack = !!index;
bgColorChange(index) {
this.background = {};
if(index == 0) {
this.background = {
'background-image': 'linear-gradient(45deg, rgb(28, 187, 180), rgb(141, 198, 63))'
} else {
let color = index == 1 ? '#39CCCC' : index == 2 ? '#B471CC' : '#001f3f';
this.background = {
background: color
rightChange(index) {
if(index == 0) {
this.slotRight = true;
this.useSlot = false;
} else {
this.slotRight = false;
customChange(index) { = false;
this.rightSlot = false;
if(index == 0) {
this.custom = true;
this.title = null;
this.isBack = false;
this.useSlot = true;
} else {
this.useSlot = false;
this.title = '新闻';
this.isBack = true;
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color: #ffffff;
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