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1 year ago
<view class="container">
<!-- 商品轮播图 -->
<u-swiper :list="spu.picUrls" @change="e => (currentNum = e.current)" :autoplay="false"
height="750rpx" radius="0" indicatorStyle="right: 20px">
<view slot="indicator" class="indicator-num">
<text class="indicator-num__text">{{ currentNum + 1 }}/{{ spu.picUrls.length }}</text>
<view class="product-box">
<!-- TODO @Sfmind样式讨论要不要改成类似 likeshop 的样子第一栏价格 + 分享第二栏商品名第三栏库存销量浏览量 -->
<view class="prod-info">
<view class="info-text">
<u--text :lines="2" size="14px" color="#333333" :text=""></u--text>
<view class="price-and-cart">
<!-- TODO @Sfmindcustom-text-price 会报错 -->
<custom-text-price color="red" size="16" intSize="26" :price="spu.minPrice"></custom-text-price>
<view class="prod-favor">
<u-icon name="star" color="#2979ff" size="28"></u-icon>
<u-gap height="8" bgColor="#f3f3f3"></u-gap>
<view class="row-box">
<view class="row-left">规格</view>
<view class="row-right" @click="skuPopup = true">
<view class="row-content">
<view class="sku-box">
<view v-if="spu.skus.length > 0" class="sku-item">
<view class="sku-desc">{{ spu.skus[currentSkuIndex].desc }}</view>
<view class="row-more">
<u-icon name="more-dot-fill" color="#939393" size="14"></u-icon>
<!-- 商品 SKU 选择弹窗 -->
<u-popup :show="skuPopup" :round="10" :closeable="true" :closeOnClickOverlay="false" @close="skuPopup = false">
<view class="sku-popup-slot">
<view class="current-sku-info">
<u--image class="current-sku-img" :showLoading="true" :src="spu.skus[currentSkuIndex].picUrl"
width="120rpx" height="120rpx"></u--image>
<view class="current-sku-desc">
<!-- TODO @Sfmind:name 这里的选择规格值的拼接 -->
<view class="name">{{ spu.skus[currentSkuIndex].desc }}</view>
<custom-text-price color="red" size="12" intSize="18" :price="spu.skus[currentSkuIndex].price"></custom-text-price>
<view class="current-sku-stock">库存 {{ 1 }}</view>
<view class="sku-selection">
<!-- TODO @Sfmind:name 这里是规格的具体选项 -->
<view class="sku-item" :class="{ active: currentSkuIndex === index }" v-for="(item, index) in spu.skus"
:key="" @click="handleSkuItemClick(index)">{{ item.desc }}</view>
<view class="sku-num-box">
<view class="text">选择数量</view>
<u-number-box integer></u-number-box>
<view class="sku-btn-group">
<view class="btn-item-main">
<u-button type="warning" shape="circle" size="small" text="加入购物车"></u-button>
<view class="btn-item-main">
<u-button type="error" shape="circle" size="small" text="立即购买"></u-button>
<u-gap height="8" bgColor="#f3f3f3"></u-gap>
<view class="row-box">
<view class="row-left">促销</view>
<view class="row-right" v-if="promotionList.length > 0" @click="promotionPopup = true">
<view class="row-content">
<view class="prom-box">
<view class="prom-item">
<view class="prom-title">{{ promotionList[0].title }}</view>
<text class="prom-desc">{{ promotionList[0].desc }}</text>
<view class="row-more">
<u-icon name="more-dot-fill" color="#939393" size="14"></u-icon>
<!-- 促销信息弹窗 -->
<u-popup :show="promotionPopup" :round="10" :closeable="true" :closeOnClickOverlay="false" @close="promotionPopup = false">
<view class="prom-popup-slot">
<view class="prom-info">促销信息</view>
<view class="prom-list">
<view v-for="(item, index) in promotionList" :key="" class="prom-item">
<view class="prom-title">{{ item.title }}</view>
<text class="prom-desc">{{ item.desc }}</text>
<u-gap height="8" bgColor="#f3f3f3"></u-gap>
<view class="row-box">
<view class="row-left">领券</view>
<view class="row-right" @click="handleCouponClick">
<view class="row-content">
<view class="coupon-box">
<view v-if="couponList.length > 0" class="coupon-list">
<view v-for="(item, index) in couponList" :key="" class="coupon-item">
<view v-if="index < 2" class="coupon-desc">{{ item.desc }}</view>
<view class="coupon-total"> {{ couponList.length }} </view>
<view class="row-more">
<u-icon name="more-dot-fill" color="#939393" size="14"></u-icon>
<u-gap height="8" bgColor="#f3f3f3"></u-gap>
<view class="evaluation-box-wrap">
<view class="evaluation-box">
<view class="evaluation-title">评价</view>
<view class="evaluation-info">
<view class="evan-type-list">
<view class="evan-type-item" :class="{ active: currentEvanIndex === index }" v-for="(item, index) in evanTypeList" :key="" @click="handleEvanTypeClick(index)"> {{ }}({{ item.count }}) </view>
<view class="comment-empty" v-if="true">
<u-empty mode="comment" width="350rpx" height="350rpx" icon="/static/images/empty/comment.png"></u-empty>
<view v-else class="comment-list" style="min-height: 50px"> </view>
<!-- TODO @Sfmind:缺个商品详情 -->
<view class="fixed-btn-box">
<view class="btn-group">
<navigator class="btn-item" url="/pages/index/index" open-type="switchTab" hover-class="none">
<u-icon name="home" :size="24"></u-icon>
<view class="btn-text">首页</view>
<navigator class="btn-item" url="/pages/xxx/xxx" open-type="navigate" hover-class="none">
<u-icon name="server-man" :size="24"></u-icon>
<view class="btn-text">客服</view>
<!-- TODO @Sfmind:改成收藏 -->
<navigator class="btn-item" url="/pages/cart/cart" open-type="switchTab" hover-class="none">
<u-icon name="star" :size="24"></u-icon>
<view class="btn-text">收藏</view>
<view class="btn-item-main">
<u-button type="warning" shape="circle" size="small" text="加入购物车"></u-button>
<view class="btn-item-main">
<u-button type="error" color="#ea322b" shape="circle" size="small" text="立即购买"></u-button>
<u-safe-bottom customStyle="background: #ffffff"></u-safe-bottom>
import { getSpuDetail } from '../../api/product';
export default {
data() {
return {
current: 0,
currentNum: 0,
currentSkuIndex: 0,
skuPopup: false,
spu: {
id: '',
picUrls: [],
minPrice: '13.00',
sku: [
id: 0,
picUrl: '',
price: 13.0,
desc: '山不在高,有仙则名。'
id: 1,
picUrl: '',
price: 11.0,
desc: '水不在深,有龙则灵。'
id: 2,
picUrl: '',
price: 10.0,
desc: '斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。'
promotionPopup: false,
promotionList: [
id: 0,
title: '满额减',
desc: '全场满500减100'
id: 1,
title: '满额减',
desc: '全场满300减50'
id: 2,
title: '满额减',
desc: '全场满200减20'
id: 3,
title: '满额减',
desc: '全场满100减5'
couponList: [
id: 0,
title: '优惠券',
desc: '满50减10'
id: 1,
title: '优惠券',
desc: '满30减5'
id: 2,
title: '优惠券',
desc: '满20减2'
currentEvanIndex: 0,
evanTypeList: [
id: '0',
name: '全部',
count: 0
id: '1',
name: '好评',
count: 0
id: '2',
name: '中评',
count: 0
id: '3',
name: '差评',
count: 0
id: '4',
name: '有图',
count: 0
onLoad(e) {
if (! {
// 加载商品详情 =
methods: {
loadProductData() {
getSpuDetail( => {
// this.spu.desc =<[^>]*>/g,'');
// console.log(res)
this.spu =;
handleSkuItemClick(index) {
this.currentSkuIndex = index
handleCouponClick() {
// TODO 未登录去登录,登录则跳转优惠券页面
handleEvanTypeClick(index) {
this.currentEvanIndex = index
// TODO 展示评论
computed: {
hasLogin() {
return this.$store.getters.hasLogin
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