You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

484 lines
10 KiB

<view class="audit-model-content">
<view style="background: #ffff;">
<u-tabs :list="list" @click="tabsClick"></u-tabs>
<view v-show="currentIndex == 0 || !hasFlow" class="audit-content">
<view class="fx-right" v-if="isCurrentUser || !hasFlow">
<view v-if="!hasFlow">
<u-alert :title="'当前选中【' + rowLen + '】条记录待审核..'" type="success" :closable="false" />
<view class="rd" style="display: flex;margin-bottom: 20rpx;">
<u-radio-group style="margin-left:15px" v-model="auditParam.value">
<view style="margin-right: 30rpx;" v-for="item in" :key="item.value">
<u-radio :name="item.value" :label="item.text">
<view style="border: 1px solid #d0d0d0;border-radius: 6rpx;">
<u--textarea border="none" :height="100" v-model="auditParam.reason" placeholder="请输入审批内容">
<view class="btn">
<u-button type="primary" shape="square" @click="auditClick">审批</u-button>
<view class="fx-left" v-if="hasFlow">
<!-- <u-divider text="流程信息" :hairline="true"></u-divider>
<view class="v-steps" style="padding-left: 30rpx;">
<view v-for="(item, index) in workFlowSteps" :key="index">
<view class="step-item" :class="{'step-item-ad':item.auditId||item.stepAttrType=='start'}"
v-if="item.stepAttrType == 'start'">
<!-- <view class="left-item">
<view class="left-date">{{ item.createDate }}</view>
</view> -->
<view class="right-item">
<view class="step-line"></view>
<i class="step-circle"></i>
<view class="step-title">
{{ item.stepName }}
<view class="step-text">发起人:{{ item.creator }}</view>
<view class="step-item" v-else-if="item.stepAttrType == 'end'">
<!-- <view class="left-item">
</view> -->
<view class="right-item">
<view class="step-line"></view>
<i class="step-circle"></i>
<view class="step-title">
{{ item.stepName }}
<view v-else :class="{ 'step-current': item.isCurrent }" class="step-item">
<view class="right-item">
<view class="step-line"></view>
<i class="step-circle"></i>
<view class="step-title">
{{ item.stepName }}
<view class="step-text">审批人:{{ item.auditor }}</view>
<view class="step-text">
状 态: {{ getAuditStatus(item.auditStatus) }}
<view class="step-text">
审批时间: {{ item.auditDate || '待审批' }}
<view class="step-text">备 注: {{ item.remark || '-' }}</view>
<view v-show="currentIndex===1">
<view class="f-item" v-for="(item,index) in formData" :key="index">
<view class="f-name">{{}}</view>
<view class="f-value">{{item.value}}</view>
<view v-show="currentIndex ===2">
<vol-table titleField="auditDate" :tableData="tableData" :columns="columns" :pagination-hide="true"
:load-key="false" :text-inline="false" :ck="false"></vol-table>
let currentOption = {}
export default {
props: {
data: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {
table: "",
tableKey: ""
data() {
return {
currentIndex: 0,
list: [{
name: '审批'
}, {
name: '详细信息',
}, {
name: '审批记录'
height: 550,
width: 1000,
workFlowSteps: [],
hasFlow: false,
formData: [],
isFlow: false,
auditParam: {
rows: 0, //当前选中审核的行数
model: false, //审核弹出框
value: -1, //审核结果
reason: '', //审核原因
status: [0, 2], //审核中的数据
data: [{
text: '通过',
value: 1
text: '拒绝',
value: 3
text: '驳回',
value: 4
tableData: [],
columns: [{
title: '节点',
field: 'stepName',
width: 100
title: '审批人',
field: 'auditor',
width: 80
title: '审批结果',
field: 'auditStatus',
width: 70,
bind: {
data: []
title: '审批时间',
field: 'auditDate',
width: 145
title: '备注',
field: 'remark',
width: 120
isCurrentUser: null,
activeName: "audit",
auditDic: [],
rowLen: 0,
currentRows: []
methods: {
tabsClick(item) {
this.currentIndex = item.index;
this.list[item.index].inited = true;
getAuditStatus(key) {
return (this.auditDic.find(x => {
return x.key === key + ''
}) || {
value: key
}).value || '待审批';
auditClick() {
if (this.auditParam.value == -1) {
let keys = => {
return x[currentOption.key]
let url =
// this.$emit('onAudit', '');
// return;, keys, '审核中....').then((x) => {
if (!x.status) {
this.isCurrentUser = false;
this.$emit('onAudit', x);
getAuditInfo(option) {
const table = option.table;
const url = `api/Sys_WorkFlow/getSteps?tableName=${table}`
let ids = => {
return x[option.key]
});, ids, true).then(result => {
if (!result.status) {
this.hasFlow = !!(result.list || []).length;
if (!this.hasFlow) {
let auditStatus = Object.keys(this.currentRows[0]).find(x => {
return x.toLowerCase() === 'auditstatus'
let checkStatus = this.currentRows.every((x) => {
return this.auditParam.status.some(c => {
return c === x[auditStatus] || !x[auditStatus]
if (!checkStatus) {
this.rowLen = this.currentRows.length;
this.isCurrentUser = true;
if (!this.auditDic.length) {
this.auditDic.push(...(result.auditDic || []))
this.columns.forEach(item => {
if (item.field == 'auditStatus') { = this.auditDic;
this.isCurrentUser = result.list.some(x => {
return x.isCurrentUser
this.workFlowSteps.length = 0;
this.tableData.length = 0;
result.log.forEach(x => {
if (x.stepAttrType = 'start') {
x.stepName = '进入流程';
x.auditDate = x.createDate;
this.formData.length = 0;
this.formData.push(...(result.form || []))
initFlow(rows, flow) {
this.isFlow = !!flow;
this.currentRows = rows;
this.activeName = 'audit'
this.auditParam.reason = '';
this.auditParam.value = -1;
if (flow) {
currentOption = {
table: rows[0].WorkTable,
key: "WorkTableKey" // rows[0].WorkTableKey
// else {
// currentOption = {
// table: props.option.url.replaceAll('/', ''),
// key: props.option.key
// }
// }
created() {
let rows = [{
this.initFlow(rows, true);
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padding-top: 6px;
.step-current {
* {
color: #2f95ff !important;
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background: #2f95ff !important;
// border-radius: 5px;
// border: 1px solid #d6eaff;
font-size: 13px;
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.cell-item {
font-weight: 500;
.desc-top {
padding: 5px 10px 0 10px;
.step-item-ad {
* {
color: #9f9898 !important;
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