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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using System;
using VOL.Core.Filters;
using VOL.Data.IServices.modbus;
using VOL.Data.Services.modbus;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using VOL.WebApi.Utils;
using VOL.Entity.DomainModels;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
using OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing.Excel.Functions.Math;
/// <summary>
// 尼可尼数据采集
/// <summary>
namespace VOL.WebApi.Controllers.Data
/// <summary>
/// 数据采集API类
/// </summary>
public class NKNCaptureController : Controller
private ModbusTcpService _service; // 静态字段
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
private readonly IDataProcessing _dataService; // 业务处理
public NKNCaptureController(
IDataProcessing dataService,
IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor
_dataService = dataService;
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
/// <summary>
/// 采集西门子设备
/// </summary>
/// <returns>IActionResult</returns>
[HttpGet, HttpPost, Route("gatherSiemens")]
public IActionResult gatherSiemens()
var headers = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers;
headers.TryGetValue("USER-DEVICE-ID", out StringValues deviceIdStr);
if (1 == 1) {
_service = new ModbusTcpService("", 502);
Console.WriteLine("siemens modbus tcp connected...");
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("siemens modbus tcp connect failed");
return Content("siemens modbus tcp connect failed!");
if (!_service.isConnected)
Console.WriteLine("siemens modbus tcp disconnect!");
return Content("siemens modbus tcp disconnect!");
// 切削倍率 17136 1
//_service.readData(1, 6435, "int16"); // 运行时长 分钟
//_service.readData(1, 6436, "int16"); // 工单1产量 件
//_service.readData(1, 6437, "int16"); // 工单2产量 件
//_service.readData(1, 6438, "int16"); // 工单3产量 件
//_service.readData(1, 6439, "int16"); // 当班产量 件
//_service.readData(1, 6440, "int16"); // 运行状态 0:待机 1运行 2故障
//_service.readData(1, 1315, "single"); // 工单1任务进度 %
//_service.readData(1, 1317, "single"); // 工单2任务进度 %
//_service.readData(1, 1319, "single"); // 工单3任务进度 %
//_service.readData(1, 1321, "single"); // 工单1良品率 % 真实值 *= 100
//_service.readData(1, 1323, "single"); // 工单2良品率 % 真实值 *= 100
//_service.readData(1, 1325, "single"); // 工单3良品率 % 真实值 *= 100
//_service.readData(1, 1339, "single"); // 设备综合效率 % 真实值 *= 100
//dynamic d1 = _service.readData(1, 1201, "single"); // 电机温度 ℃
//dynamic d2 = _service.readData(1, 1203, "single"); // 母线电压 V
//dynamic d3 = _service.readData(1, 1205, "single"); // 实际电流 A
//dynamic d4 = _service.readData(1, 1215, "single"); // 累计加工次数
//dynamic d5 = _service.readData(1, 1225, "single"); // 切削倍率
//dynamic d6 = _service.readData(1, 1231, "single"); // 主轴倍率
//dynamic d7 = _service.readData(1, 6689, "string", 50); // 运行程序编号 length = 8
//dynamic d8 = _service.readData(1, 6435, "int16"); // 累计运行时长 分钟
string message = "";
bool success = int.TryParse(deviceIdStr, out int deviceId);
if (success)
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>> dataMap = new();
if (1 == 1)
dataMap = _dataService.readSiemensData(_service);
else {
dataMap.Add("produce", new Dictionary<string, object>());
dataMap.Add("machine", new Dictionary<string, object>());
message = saveSourceData(dataMap, deviceId);
message = "设备非法或已下线";
catch (Exception ex)
message = "read data error: " + ex.Message;
if (_service != null)
return Content(message);
/// <summary>
/// 采集广数设备
/// </summary>
/// <returns>IActionResult</returns>
[HttpGet, HttpPost, Route("gatherGSK")]
public IActionResult gatherGSK()
var headers = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Headers;
headers.TryGetValue("USER-DEVICE-ID", out StringValues deviceIdStr);
if (1 == 1)
_service = new ModbusTcpService("", 502);
Console.WriteLine("GSK modbus tcp connected...");
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("GSK modbus tcp connect failed");
return Content("GSK modbus tcp connect failed!");
if (!_service.isConnected)
Console.WriteLine("GSK modbus tcp disconnect!");
return Content("GSK modbus tcp disconnect!");
//_service.readData(1, 6429, "int16"); // 程序编号
//_service.readData(1, 6435, "int16"); // 通讯状态 5通讯正常 15通讯断线
//_service.readData(1, 6430, "int16");
//_service.readData(1, 6435, "int16"); // 运行时长 分钟
//_service.readData(1, 6436, "int16"); // 工单1产量 件
//_service.readData(1, 6437, "int16"); // 工单2产量 件
//_service.readData(1, 6438, "int16"); // 工单3产量 件
//_service.readData(1, 6439, "int16"); // 当班产量 件
//_service.readData(1, 6440, "int16"); // 运行状态 0:待机 1运行 2故障
//_service.readData(1, 1315, "single"); // 工单1任务进度 %
//_service.readData(1, 1317, "single"); // 工单2任务进度 %
//_service.readData(1, 1319, "single"); // 工单3任务进度 %
//_service.readData(1, 1321, "single"); // 工单1良品率 % 真实值 *= 100
//_service.readData(1, 1323, "single"); // 工单2良品率 % 真实值 *= 100
//_service.readData(1, 1325, "single"); // 工单3良品率 % 真实值 *= 100
//_service.readData(1, 1331, "single"); // 设备综合效率 % 真实值 *= 100
//_service.readData(1, 6430, "int16"); // 通讯状态 5通讯正常 15通讯断线
//_service.readData(1, 6099, "int16"); // 工作方式 0:编辑 1:自动 2:MDI 3:DNC 4:手动 5:手轮 6:回参考点
//_service.readData(1, 6100, "int16"); // 运行状态 0:复位 1:停止 2:运行 3:暂停
//dynamic d1 = _service.readData(1, 4117, "int32"); // 当天加工数量 次
//dynamic d2 = _service.readData(1, 1201, "int32"); // 开机时间 秒
//dynamic d3 = _service.readData(1, 1203, "int32"); // 运行时间 秒
//dynamic d4 = _service.readData(1, 1241, "single"); // 进给倍率
//dynamic d5 = _service.readData(1, 1247, "single"); // 主轴倍率
//dynamic d6 = _service.readData(1, 6299, "string", 8); // 运行程序编号 length = 8
//dynamic d7 = _service.readData(1, 4115, "int32"); // 累计运行时长 分钟
//dynamic d8 = _service.readData(1, 1199, "int32"); // 累计加工数 次
string message = "";
bool success = int.TryParse(deviceIdStr, out int deviceId);
if (success)
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>> dataMap = new();
if (1 == 1)
dataMap = _dataService.readGSKData(_service);
dataMap.Add("produce", new Dictionary<string, object>());
dataMap.Add("machine", new Dictionary<string, object>());
message = saveSourceData(dataMap, deviceId);
message = "设备非法或已下线";
catch (Exception ex)
message = "read data error: " + ex.Message;
if (_service != null)
return Content(message);
[HttpGet, HttpPost, Route("testSave")]
public IActionResult testSave()
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>> dataMap = new();
dataMap.Add("machine", new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "config_id", 666 } });
dataMap.Add("produce", new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "config_id", 666 } });
string message = saveSourceData(dataMap, 1);
return Content(message);
/// <summary>
/// 保存采集数据
/// </summary>
/// <returns>IActionResult</returns>
private string saveSourceData(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object>> dataMap, int deviceId)
// 获取当前系统时间, 保证插入时间一致
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
// 设备关联的用户信息
Data_Config dataConfig = _dataService.GetDataConfig(deviceId);
if (dataConfig == null) {
return "设备不存在!";
int userId = dataConfig.CreateID ?? 1; // 默认超管
Dictionary<string, object> machineData = dataMap["machine"];
Data_Machine data_Machine = CommonUtil.ConvertToObject<Data_Machine>(machineData);
data_Machine.config_id = deviceId;
data_Machine.CreateDate = now;
data_Machine.CreateID = userId;
bool result1 = _dataService.saveMachineData(data_Machine, out string message1);
Dictionary<string, object> produceData = dataMap["produce"];
Data_Produce data_Produce = CommonUtil.ConvertToObject<Data_Produce>(produceData);
data_Produce.config_id = deviceId;
data_Produce.CreateDate = now;
data_Produce.CreateID = userId;
bool result2 = _dataService.saveProduceData(data_Produce, out string message2);
return (result1 && result2) ? "OK" : "save machine: " + message1 + "; save produce: " + message2 + ";";