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using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using VOL.Core.DBManager;
using VOL.Core.Extensions;
using VOL.Core.ManageUser;
using VOL.Core.Utilities;
using VOL.Entity.DomainModels;
namespace VOL.Core.WorkFlow
public static class WorkFlowManager
public static bool Exists<T>()
return WorkFlowContainer.Exists<T>();
public static bool Exists<T>(T entity)
return WorkFlowContainer.Exists<T>() && GetAuditStatusValue<T>(typeof(T).GetKeyProperty().GetValue(entity).ToString()) != null;
public static bool Exists(string table)
return WorkFlowContainer.Exists(table);
public static int GetAuditStatus<T>(string value)
return GetAuditStatusValue<T>(value) ?? 0;
public static int? GetAuditStatusValue<T>(string value)
return DBServerProvider.DbContext.Set<Sys_WorkFlowTable>()
.Where(x => x.WorkTable == typeof(T).GetEntityTableName() && x.WorkTableKey == value)
.Select(s => s.CurrentOrderId)
private static void Rewrite<T>(T entity, Sys_WorkFlow workFlow, bool changeTableStatus) where T : class
var autditProperty = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(x => x.Name.ToLower() == "auditstatus").FirstOrDefault();
if (autditProperty == null)
string value = typeof(T).GetKeyProperty().GetValue(entity).ToString();
var dbContext = DBServerProvider.DbContext;
var workTable = dbContext.Set<Sys_WorkFlowTable>().Where(x => x.WorkTableKey == value && x.WorkFlow_Id == workFlow.WorkFlow_Id)
.Include(x => x.Sys_WorkFlowTableStep).FirstOrDefault();
if (workTable == null || workFlow.Sys_WorkFlowStep == null)
Console.WriteLine($"未查到流程数据id{ workFlow.WorkFlow_Id}");
workTable.CurrentOrderId = 1;
workTable.AuditStatus = (int)AuditStatus.;
workTable.Sys_WorkFlowTableStep.ForEach(item =>
item.Enable = 0;
if (changeTableStatus)
dbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Detached;
autditProperty.SetValue(entity, 0);
dbContext.Entry(entity).Property(autditProperty.Name).IsModified = true;
var wlowTableStep = workFlow.Sys_WorkFlowStep.OrderBy(x => x.OrderId).Select(s => new Sys_WorkFlowTableStep()
Sys_WorkFlowTableStep_Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
WorkFlowTable_Id = workTable.WorkFlowTable_Id,
WorkFlow_Id = s.WorkFlow_Id,
StepId = s.StepId,
StepName = s.StepName,
AuditId = s.StepType == (int)AuditType. ? s.StepValue : null,
StepType = s.StepType,
StepValue = s.StepValue,
OrderId = s.OrderId,
Enable = 1,
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
dbContext.Entry(workTable).State = EntityState.Detached;
/// <summary>
/// 写入流程
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="entity"></param>
/// <param name="rewrite">是否重新生成流程</param>
/// <param name="changeTableStatus">是否修改原表的审批状态</param>
public static void AddProcese<T>(T entity, bool rewrite = false, bool changeTableStatus = true) where T : class
string workTable = typeof(T).GetEntityTableName();
Sys_WorkFlow workFlow = DBServerProvider.DbContext.Set<Sys_WorkFlow>()
.Where(x => x.WorkTable == workTable)
.Include(x => x.Sys_WorkFlowStep)
if (workFlow == null || workFlow.Sys_WorkFlowStep.Count == 0) return;
if (rewrite)
Rewrite(entity, workFlow, changeTableStatus);
var userInfo = UserContext.Current.UserInfo;
Guid workFlowTable_Id = Guid.NewGuid();
Sys_WorkFlowTable workFlowTable = new Sys_WorkFlowTable()
WorkFlowTable_Id = workFlowTable_Id,
AuditStatus = (int)AuditStatus.,
CurrentOrderId = 1,
Enable = 1,
WorkFlow_Id = workFlow.WorkFlow_Id,
WorkName = workFlow.WorkName,
WorkTable = workTable,
WorkTableKey = typeof(T).GetKeyProperty().GetValue(entity).ToString(),
WorkTableName = workFlow.WorkTableName,
CreateID = userInfo.User_Id,
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
Creator = userInfo.UserTrueName,
Sys_WorkFlowTableStep = workFlow.Sys_WorkFlowStep.OrderBy(x => x.OrderId).Select(s => new Sys_WorkFlowTableStep()
Sys_WorkFlowTableStep_Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
WorkFlowTable_Id = workFlowTable_Id,
WorkFlow_Id = s.WorkFlow_Id,
StepId = s.StepId,
StepName = s.StepName,
AuditId = s.StepType == (int)AuditType. ? s.StepValue : null,
StepType = s.StepType,
StepValue = s.StepValue,
OrderId = s.OrderId,
Enable = 1,
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
/// <summary>
/// 进入流程审核
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="entity"></param>
/// <param name="status"></param>
/// <param name="remark"></param>
/// <param name="autditProperty"></param>
/// <param name="workFlowExecuting"></param>
/// <param name="workFlowExecuted"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static WebResponseContent Audit<T>(T entity, AuditStatus status, string remark,
PropertyInfo autditProperty,
Func<T, AuditStatus, bool, WebResponseContent> workFlowExecuting,
Func<T, AuditStatus, List<int>, bool, WebResponseContent> workFlowExecuted,
bool init = false,
Action<T, List<int>> initInvoke = null
) where T : class
WebResponseContent webResponse = new WebResponseContent(true);
if (init)
if (!WorkFlowContainer.Exists<T>())
return webResponse;
var dbContext = DBServerProvider.DbContext;
var query = dbContext.Set<T>();
var keyProperty = typeof(T).GetKeyProperty();
string key = keyProperty.GetValue(entity).ToString();
string workTable = typeof(T).GetEntityTableName();
Sys_WorkFlowTable workFlow = dbContext.Set<Sys_WorkFlowTable>()
.Where(x => x.WorkTable == workTable && x.WorkTableKey == key)
.Include(x => x.Sys_WorkFlowTableStep)
if (init)
if (workFlow.Sys_WorkFlowTableStep.Count == 0)
return webResponse;
var step = workFlow.Sys_WorkFlowTableStep.Where(x => x.OrderId == 1).Select(s => new { s.StepType, s.StepValue }).FirstOrDefault();
if (step != null)
initInvoke?.Invoke(entity, GetAuditUserIds(step.StepType ?? 0, step.StepValue ?? 0));
return webResponse;
workFlow.AuditStatus = (int)status;
if (workFlow == null || workFlow.Sys_WorkFlowTableStep.Count == 0)
autditProperty.SetValue(entity, (int)status);
return webResponse;
var currnetStep = workFlow.Sys_WorkFlowTableStep.Where(x => x.OrderId == workFlow.CurrentOrderId).FirstOrDefault();
if (currnetStep == null)
autditProperty.SetValue(entity, (int)status);
return webResponse;
var nextStep = workFlow.Sys_WorkFlowTableStep.Where(x => x.OrderId == workFlow.CurrentOrderId + 1).FirstOrDefault();
if (nextStep != null && status == AuditStatus.)
workFlow.CurrentOrderId = nextStep.OrderId;
autditProperty.SetValue(entity, (int)AuditStatus.);
workFlow.AuditStatus = (int)AuditStatus.;
autditProperty.SetValue(entity, (int)status);
bool isLast = nextStep == null;
if (workFlowExecuting != null)
webResponse = workFlowExecuting.Invoke(entity, status, isLast);
if (!webResponse.Status)
return webResponse;
var user = UserContext.Current.UserInfo;
currnetStep.AuditId = user.User_Id;
currnetStep.Auditor = user.UserTrueName;
currnetStep.AuditDate = DateTime.Now;
currnetStep.AuditStatus = (int)status;
currnetStep.Remark = remark;
//dbContext.Entry(workFlow).Property("CurrentOrderId").IsModified = true;
//dbContext.Entry(workFlow).Property("AuditStatus").IsModified = true;
dbContext.Entry(workFlow).State = EntityState.Detached;
if (workFlowExecuted != null)
webResponse = workFlowExecuted.Invoke(entity, status, GetAuditUserIds(nextStep?.StepType ?? 0, nextStep?.StepValue ?? 0), isLast);
return webResponse;
/// <summary>
/// 获取审批人的id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stepType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static List<int> GetAuditUserIds(int stepType, int nextId = 0)
List<int> userIds = new List<int>();
if (stepType == 0 || nextId == 0)
return userIds;
if (stepType == (int)AuditType.)
userIds = DBServerProvider.DbContext.Set<Sys_User>().Where(s => s.Role_Id == stepType).Take(50).Select(s => s.User_Id).ToList();
//else if (nextStep.StepType == (int)AuditType.部门审批)
// //部门审批待完
// // users = DBServerProvider.DbContext.Set<Sys_User>().Where(s => s.Role_Id == nextStep.StepValue).Take(50).Select(s => s.User_Id).ToList();
return userIds;